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Can timeshare ruin your credit: rectangular blocks with the words CREDIT and REPORT printed on them

Can Timeshares Ruin Your Credit? Dodge a Hit to Your Score

Can Timeshares Ruin Your Credit? Dodge a Hit to Your Score Can timeshares ruin your credit? Absolutely. That’s one of the main reasons why people keep properties that they no longer want. But does your timeshare have to affect your credit? Not if you take the appropriate measures to prevent

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Timeshare resale scams Mexico: SCAM ALERT on a tablet screen

Don’t Get Caught in Timeshare Resale Scams From Mexico

Don’t Get Caught in Timeshare Resale Scams From Mexico Timeshare resale scammers use many different methods to target innocent timeshare owners who are looking to sell. They’ll make unsolicited phone calls to these owners, telling them that someone is already interested in buying their timeshare. They’ll tell potential customers that

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Bluegreen Vacations: stressed entrepreneur reading a letter

Exposing Bluegreen Vacations’ Assault on Consumer Safeguards

Exposing Bluegreen Vacations’ Assault on Consumer Safeguards Active service members represent one of the most financially vulnerable demographics in the nation. Their frequent deployments and relocations can make it challenging to manage responsibilities such as buying a home stateside or taking care of family finances. They are thus exposed to

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Timeshare Exit Team: couple in a heated discussion with another person about a contract

A Review of What Went Wrong With Timeshare Exit Team

A Review of What Went Wrong With Timeshare Exit Team If you are reading this article, you are likely one of the legions of timeshare owners that need to get out of their contracts. You don’t want to pay monthly maintenance fees for the rest of your life. You don’t

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1099-A timeshare: manager using a laptop

What to Do When You’re Sent a 1099-A Timeshare Tax Form

What to Do When You’re Sent a 1099-A Timeshare Tax Form We don’t have to tell you that canceling a timeshare is a difficult feat to accomplish. If you’ve been at the process for a while, you’re already aware that timeshare companies want their customers locked into ownership for life.

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Timeshare lawsuit: empty courtroom

Timeshare Lawsuits and How They Can Affect Your Exit

Timeshare Lawsuits and How They Can Affect Your Exit If you are a timeshare owner, it’s more likely than not that you have money problems. Timeshare contracts pile on fees year after year, often leaving timeshare owners in serious debt that went unmentioned in breezy, deceptive timeshare sales presentations. The

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Timeshare upgrade: stressed entrepreneurs talking to each other

3 Ways Developers Trick You Into Timeshare Upgrades

3 Ways Developers Trick You Into Timeshare Upgrades Anyone who owns a timeshare should be able to acknowledge that timeshare companies are notorious for their high-pressure tactics. This is how they are able to continuously attract new buyers. It’s also how they get you to buy into a timeshare upgrade.

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Cost of a timeshare: financial adviser writing on a paper while holding a calculator

Adding Up the Actual Cost of a Timeshare

Adding Up the Actual Cost of a Timeshare The idea of vacation ownership has been rooted in the idea that, if you’re taking annual vacations (or even more frequent trips), it can make more sense financially to own a functional real estate interest or timeshare. After all, the old thinking

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How to legally get out of a timeshare: stressed entrepreneur holding her credit card

How to Legally Get Out of a Timeshare: 3 Methods

How to Legally Get Out of a Timeshare: 3 Methods If getting out of ownership was easy, timeshares wouldn’t be the multibillion-dollar industry that they are. When you sign a contract during the timeshare sales process, you are agreeing to a lifetime of paying expensive maintenance fees to your timeshare

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HGV Max vs HGVC: portrait of a huge land area

HGV Max vs. HGVC: Is It Just More of the Same?

HGV Max vs. HGVC: Is It Just More of the Same? If you are a Hilton Grand Vacations Club (HGVC) owner, you may be a bit confused about Hilton’s latest timeshare offering: Hilton Grand Vacations Max (HGV Max). After all, they are both Hilton Grand Vacations timeshares, and the name

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